Technology, Design & Construction — Cross & Passion College
Department Information

Technology, Design & Construction


The Technology & Design Department is situated on the ground floor of the main school building where we currently have two large workshops, a planning room and a systems room which is resourced with a suite of computers for use within the department.


Mr L Berry (HOD)
Mr K McMullan
Mrs E Irwin

Key Stage 3

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is broadly based on helping pupils to acquire basic technological knowledge about materials, processes and systems through thematic units which incorporate a range of 3D design and make tasks.

At Key Stage 3, our current projects are;

Year 8 - Key fob / Graphics & Rendering / CD Holder

Year 9 - Christmas Decoration / isometric Drawing / Wooden Truck

Year 10 - Mechanical Toy / UICT Task / Orthographic Drawing

Key Stage 4

GCSE Technology & Design (Product Design) CCEA

This course is aimed at pupils who enjoy design and make tasks and who have a flair for creative thinking. All pupils studying this course are expected to complete two 1 hour exams and two controlled assessment tasks.

Year 11Unit 1: A 1 hour exam on Technology & Design Core Theory. 25% offinal grade.

Year 12 Unit 3: A full design portfolio and then manufacture the product which the have designed.  50% of the final grade.

Year 12 Unit 2: A 1 hour exam on Technology & Design Core Theory. 25% of the final grade.

GCSE Construction & The Built Environment (CCEA)

This course is aimed at pupils who enjoy manufacturing and computer work but who are less inclined towards ‘design’ work.

There are 2 examined units – one exam at the end of year 11 and one at the end of year 12. Each exam is worth 25% of the final GCSE mark.

The Construction Craft Project. In this unit pupils manufacture a product from plans which have been provided by CCEA. 25% of final grade.

Computer Aided Design in Construction. In this unit, pupils complete a series of CAD drawings of a building which has been specified by CCEA. 25% of final grade.


At Post 16 level, we offer a BTEC qualification in Construction & The Built Environment. This course is an Extended Certificate, equivalent to 1 A Level in which pupils complete 4 units to make up their final grade. Each unit is graded at pass, merit or distinction and there are 2 exams – one in Year 13 and one in Year 14. 

During this course, pupils will study topics such as: 

  • Construction Principles

  • Construction Design

  • Construction Technology

  • Health & Safety in Construction
